The cutest group in town


a chic meet for mod mums & their tots

This open baby group is chilled, relaxed and exciting space for your little ones to explore, use the sensory and motor skills as well as socialise with other children. It has been super popular and the Mums and Tots just love coming back each week!

We will have cookies with coffee & babyccinos!

10:30am – Welcome & Coffee & Play

10:50am – Music time

11:15am – bubbles, chill and chat.

Please note pictures may be taken at the classes.

Pre booking only, walk ins will not be allowed to enter the Jewish Life Centre due to limited space.

Please note, we cannot offer refunds.  If your child is ill and you cannot attend, please email [email protected] by 3PM the day before your booking to arrange a booking transfer, if available.  Emails after this time do not qualify for a transfer. You can pass your booking on to a friend, and she can take your spot.

Tues and Wed classes are suitable for babies 0-2 years. Fridays class will be geared towards babies 18 months + but all age babies are always welcome!