The Festival of Freedom
PESACHCelebrating freedom, as a community and as an individual

Pre – Pesach Friday night dinner
If you are busy cooking up a storm, hosting Pesach, or just run down from the pre pesach stress, join for a beautiful catered Friday Night Dinner, so you can eat Challah and Chametz without worrying there are more crumbs in your house!
Limited spaces!
Sell My Chometz
Since it is prohibited to possess chametz on Pesach, any chametz left undisposed must be sold to a non-Jew. [Any chametz remaining in the possession of a Jew during Pesach may not be used, eaten, bought or sold – even after Pesach.]
Therefore, all chametz that will not be eaten or burned before Pesach and all chametz utensils that will not be thoroughly cleaned by then should be stored away.
The storage area should be locked or taped shut to be leased to the non-Jew at the time of the chametz sale.
Since there are many legal intricacies in this sale, only a competent rabbi should be entrusted with its execution. The rabbi acts as our agent both to sell the chametz to the non-Jew on the morning before Pesach starts and also to buy it back the evening after Pesach ends.
There is no charge for this service. If you are in the position to give a donation so we can continue to support the community, it would be greatly appreciated.

Pesach Seder

The four questions before Pesach:
Where are you this Pesach?
Will you be joining a Pesach Seder?
Would you like to have a seat at a meaningful and beautiful Seder?
Will your Pesach be special this year?
There is a seat waiting for you at the JLC for the Pesach Seder so you can be part of the uplifting and warm experience! Great fun for kids, adults and every age will get involved!
Adult – £60 couvert, or £40 subsidised. Child £40 couvert or £20 subsidised.
After 15th April we will not be able to offer subsidised spots.
If you need any help with finances, please be in touch confidentially with Rabbi Chaim [email protected] who will make sure you are taken care of, with all financial requests before Monday 15th April.
Why Shmurah Matzah?
Shmurah means “watched,” and it is an apt description of this matzah, the ingredients of which (the flour and water) are watched from the moment of harvesting and drawing, to the moment they are mixed together to bake Matzah (read further below), making this the finest Matzah, and best to use at the Seder.
It is also special, because it was hand-made by an expert team of matza bakers who, before every stage of the process, intoned “l’sheim matzot mitzva – this is being done to help Jews fulfill the G‑dly Commandment of eating Matza at the Seder”.
(In Kabbalistic thought hand baked Shmura Matza, eaten at the Seder, is said to bring health, healing and faith.)
It is therefore important to have Shmurah Matzah at the two Seder nights, fulfilling this special Mitzvah in the most beautiful way possible.

Model Matzah Bake!

Kids, are you ready for some baking fun! Join the Kids in the Kitch model matzah bake and get to experience baking your own matzah in under 18 minutes!
Plus some chocolate Matzah brittle – yumm!!
cTeen Matzah Packaging

Come and pack Shmurah Matzot to distribute to the Community, and then enjoy a Pizza dinner!
Year 9s to 13s welcome!