Friends & Fun

Hang Out

Chilled. Fun. Hip.


Exclusively for any teens who live in Elstree/Borehamwood and register for cTeen will be getting the VIP card!

You will get 10-15% off from local Kosher restaurants including

  • Eli’s Pizza
  • Balagan
  • Sababa
  • Pumpernick
  • Brickys

Plus all local cTeen events will be FREE, and national and international events will be at discounted rates!

Check out below whats happening until January… and lots more exciting events throughout the year!!

What are you waiting for? Join the coolest meet-ups in town and have a great time!!

Calling all Teens Year 8-10!  Come and join us for a sushi making experience!

Volunteer and package gifts for people in hospital, you can make a difference!

Snacks, and eat your own Sushi you made!

VIP card holders – FREE

Non VIP Card holders £7

Join for an afternoon of fun!!