Chai for Challah

Enjoy it. Gift it. Share it.

All proceeds go towards the building of the Jewish Life Centre

Challah is available by pre-order only.

All orders must be in by 8pm Thursday evening.

Pick up address will be emailed to you. 

Pick up after 1pm on Friday

Challah Blessing Dedication


Prayer said when taking the "Challah" from the dough. This is the Mitzvah of Challah.


2 Challot delivered within London


Name and dedication sticker on all Challot packaged for the week

Challlah dedication

9 + 8 =

Challah Winners

Hundreds of families across Elstree & Borehamwood have been winners to the social media Challah Competition! On a weekly basis two home-baked fresh and delicious Challot are delivered by random to one of the likers or commenters on the Facebook or Instagram post! Theres been surprise toppings, surprise fillings and lots of happy Shabbat dinners!