The Spring Festival


We received the Torah as one – Let’s celebrate as one! 

Join the late night learning and debating on Jewish & Israeli history, theology and spirituality. For men, women & teen!

We are so excited to have Chef Johnny join and we will have hot dairy food out all night long!

Build A Torah Workshop & Ice-Cream Party!

A fun and interactive reading of the 10 commandments, followed by ice-cream and of course Mr Torah Man will be so excited to have a dance with all the kids!

If you would like to join the workshop please register for a mini Torah. Everyone is welcome to just show up for the 10 commandments & ice-cream!

Shavuot Cheesecake Tea!

All invited for a cheesecake tea on Shavuot afternoon in the Hoch’s garden. We would love to have you over! 

Bring Smiles – volunteering!

Join as we walk over to a local care home to schmooze with the residents on Shavuot afternoon! Adults and teens, it would make their day to see you there! Message if you need any more details. 

Shavuot Schedule

Full details of timings over Shavuot – all welcome to join!